A blog that I follow had a Wife and Husband having a discussion about chastity & their relationship and I thought that was a great idea. So like all great ideas I am stealing it for my blog. It will hopefully give you a bit of my wife's side of the story. So what we have agreed to is I am going to write out some questions for her to give you her thoughts. And then depending on the responses maybe some follow up questions. If it is received well maybe we will do more of them, maybe le you email questions or something who knows.
Can you share a little bit about yourself so that people can get to know you? I am a 43 yr old IT professional, mom & keyholder of WLMHubby. I've been active in the D/s & BDSM world for almost 18 years but I've been naturally Dominant for probably my whole life.
First, we have been working on the FLR for the last couple of months, can you share your thoughts of how it is going? I think we've found our groove and it seems to be naturally falling into place.
And if you are happy with the changes? I'm very happy with the changes our formalizing our dynamic has brought about. We communicate better and seem less stressed as a couple.
What are some of the biggest challenges you think we have had? From my perspective the biggest challenge initially was accepting that being bitchier & more demanding was OK. I worried that it might damage our relationship or cause more discord.
Did you think it would have worked out as well as it seems to be? I'd hoped but truthfully had some reservations but figured nothing ventured nothing gained.
You were the one that was always interested in chastity, can you tell us about how you got so interested? In my experience men work harder when they are interested in having sex with you and less focused when they are having sex on a regular basis.
Now that we are actively using chastity in our relationship how are you finding the reality? Reality is very much what I expected. You are more focused on me & my needs.
Are you enjoying it as much as you expected? I think I answered this already but YES very much so.
I know we both expect to go farther in terms of your control. Would you share some of your thoughts about what you would like for us to be working on in the next year? I think greater focus on getting our house in order both literally & figuratively. Working on integrating this into our lives even with our parents around in a very natural way. Just falling further into the dynamic so it is completely 2nd nature and doesn't feel at all forced or intentional. I'd also like to add more BDSM back into our day to day lives.
As I have talked about before we have played around with trying to move into a FLR a couple of times before, this time feels different like it is really working out or as you say we are in the groove. Can you share your thoughts on what is different this time that it is working out? I believe we were both equally vested from the beginning vs being at different stages prior. We worked hard at it in the beginning even when it wasn't always easy. We both kept the lines of communication open so we could work on issues as they arose vs just letting them fester. And we are still working on it. This is a marathon journey and not a quick sprint.
Thanks to my wonderful wife for helping with this post. As I have said before she reads all of my posts and the few comments I get.
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